Odor Removal Service

Unpleasant odors can linger in your home or business long after the source of the smell has been removed. Whether it's from smoke, mold, pets, or other sources, strong odors can be a nuisance and even a health hazard. At Uinta Disaster Solutions, we offer effective solutions to eliminate odors and improve the air quality in your building.

How We Remove Odors

Air Scrubbers

Our high-powered HEPA air scrubbers work to eliminate odor producing gasses and chemicals.

Ozone Generators

Our ozone generators use advanced technology, releasing ozone molecules into the air to eliminate mold bacteria and spores.

Hydroxyl Genderators

Hydroxyl generators are used to neutralize odor molecules in the air by producing hydroxyl radicals. They function similarly to broad-spectrum UV radiators, which are designed to eliminate unpleasant odors from indoor environments.

Thermal Fog

To tackle smoke-related odors, we utilize a water-based thermal agent that effectively binds to the smoke particles and prevents them from emitting unpleasant smells.

Common Causes of Foul Odor

  • Fire & Smoke

    Foul odors from fire and smoke damage can linger in a home or business long after the flames have been extinguished. The smoke and soot particles can penetrate deeply into walls, carpets, and furniture, leaving a strong and unpleasant smell that can be difficult to remove.

  • Water & Mold

    The musty smell associated with water damage and mold growth is caused by the release of microbial volatile organic compounds (MVOCs) as mold and other fungi digest organic materials. These compounds can cause a range of health problems, from minor allergic reactions to more serious respiratory issues.

  • Sewage Leaks

    Sewage leaks can release foul odors that are not only unpleasant but also pose a serious health risk. Sewage contains a variety of harmful pathogens, bacteria, and viruses that can cause serious illnesses if ingested or inhaled. The odor itself is often a warning sign of the presence of these harmful contaminants.

Some odors can be difficult to remove. Our experts will use the latest and best equipment for your needs to get your home smelling much better.




Our odor removing experts will leave your home smelling daisy fresh. We offer 24/7 service to help you get relief from foul smells in your home.